Thursday, 5 August 2010

Roman Holiday

I am in Rome, Italy.
About a week passed since I came here.
(I write in English because I am not able to use Japanese with this computer.)
It's not so hot here. I almost forget it's already August now.
I am enjoying myself so much.
The atmosphere is so relaxing as usual.
It makes me feel so good.
I do not have to think about the next day.
I do not have to be crammed into the crowded train.
I can sleep as much as I want.
Drinking wine, having nice dishes, staying with the one who you love and who loves you- I will not hope anything more than these.
I found it easier to breathe here.

dewa dewa- ciaoooo


父が入院している。経過は良いようで、退院が見えてきたらしい。よかった。毎日のようにテレビ電話で様子をきいているが、話す様子が1日、1日と元気になっていくのがわかる。人間の身体はすごいなあ。 話を聞くたびに、普段の姿勢とか、動き方とか、注意しなければと思う。身体に負担をかける動きを...