Tuesday, 23 December 2008

mio nonno

My grandfather, at the hight of summer, 2008.

We love, respect and are proud of him truly and deeply. He - over 80 years old now - is able to use a cellphone and PC very well, just like young people do. Sometimes he sends me e-mail by using his cellphone, which surprises me even now. Actually he started learning it when he was 80 years old. It was impressive, amazing and ambitious. He is, of course, matured, but seems to be much younger than young people.

This picture is one of my masterpieces. Love ya, grampa.


父が入院している。経過は良いようで、退院が見えてきたらしい。よかった。毎日のようにテレビ電話で様子をきいているが、話す様子が1日、1日と元気になっていくのがわかる。人間の身体はすごいなあ。 話を聞くたびに、普段の姿勢とか、動き方とか、注意しなければと思う。身体に負担をかける動きを...