Friday, 30 January 2009

Harras the Police

The memorable 100th entry is about a naked guy in Belarus. Just terrific. If you are interested in this article and want to see more pictures of him, click here.

This naked guy in Belarus city of Grodno harassed the two police patrol
guys. They didn’t want to arrest a naked man probably they didn’t want to touch
a naked man at all, so when he came to them they even didn’t want him to sit
inside their car and asked him to stay not closer than 5 feet to them while they
called local ambulance. Their unwilling to arrest him was so strong that they
even didn’t care much about dozens of people walking around this midday along
the city street where all this happened, some even made photos and sent us.
Probably it would be a good advice for Belarus criminals - if he wants not to be
arrested he should undress, Belarus policemen don’t touch naked men.


 5日。毎年三月恒例の婦人科検診。かれこれ20年前、治験で関わったのがきっかけで知った病院だがとても良いので結局20年間通い続けている。家の近くではないけどなにかと自分にとって都合が良く慣れた、なによりも信頼できる病院。 特に決められたわけではないが3月になると検診を受けている。...