Tuesday, 23 December 2008

mio nonno

My grandfather, at the hight of summer, 2008.

We love, respect and are proud of him truly and deeply. He - over 80 years old now - is able to use a cellphone and PC very well, just like young people do. Sometimes he sends me e-mail by using his cellphone, which surprises me even now. Actually he started learning it when he was 80 years old. It was impressive, amazing and ambitious. He is, of course, matured, but seems to be much younger than young people.

This picture is one of my masterpieces. Love ya, grampa.


 5日。毎年三月恒例の婦人科検診。かれこれ20年前、治験で関わったのがきっかけで知った病院だがとても良いので結局20年間通い続けている。家の近くではないけどなにかと自分にとって都合が良く慣れた、なによりも信頼できる病院。 特に決められたわけではないが3月になると検診を受けている。...